We're delighted to have just passed our recent ofsted inspection with some fantastic comments.
Children arrive at the pre-school happy and ready to enter. They show their parents and carers where their belongings go and eagerly walk into the hall and wave goodbye. Children remain confident throughout the session and are keen to show off their skills. They hold a blanket and throw it into the air. They show visitors different ways they can catch it with their hands and on their fingers.
Children are happy. They smile frequently and have fun. Children engage for prolonged lengths of time. Children stand at a table set up with paint and brushes and work together to mix different colours. Two children giggle as they hold a brush together and make marks on paper. Children understand what is expected of them in terms of their behaviour. When necessary, children are reminded about the expectations. For example, when they run, they are asked to slow down and use 'walking feet'.
Children are supported to develop pride in what they achieve. Staff use 'wow' moments to talk about what children have done well or when they have met their targets. Children show what they have been drawing and making, and they talk about their pictures being of themselves and the Easter bunny. At the end of the day, children share their 'wow' moments with their parents.
We would encourage parents to read the full report here.